This level is for:

  • Those who aspire to pursue a career in tennis
  • Full time pros and coaches
  • Those who aspire to become a Head Professional/Director of Racquet Sports

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand and apply coaching fundamentals for players of all ages and levels
  • Understand and apply key coaching concepts for teaching private & group lessons
  • Understand and apply a framework for player improvement/development
  • Develop and implement lessons plans
  • Identify primary diagnosis and develop a plan for improvement
  • Execute various types of feeding scalable to the player’s needs
  • Apply communication and organization skills in both group and private lessons


  • $425 one-time application fee
  • $325 annual membership dues (or prorated amount)
  • See additional fees


Time commitment: approximately 75-80 hrs (actual completion time will vary based on applicants’ effort and time commitment)



  1. Complete Level 1 Requirements
  2. Complete Level 2 Online Courses
  3. Attend Level 2 In-Person Workshop