The National Nominating Committee slate for the 2020-2021 USPTA National Board of Directors.
First Vice President
Vice President
- Lane Evans
- Mark Faber
- Trish Faulkner
- Jason Gilbert
- Bill Mountford
Past President
Members seeking to challenge a nominee proposed by the Nominating Committee must notify the National Office by July 1 of their intention to challenge and must specifically designate whom they are challenging for the Board.
In soliciting signatures from the membership, the Membership Nominee must use the official notification process proscribed by the national office. In order to qualify as a candidate or challenge a candidate nominated by the Nominating Committee, an individual must have applied to be a candidate to the Nominating Committee during the then current election cycle. The challenger must present their credentials confirming that they have secured the “requisite support” from the membership before Aug. 15 of the election year. Only 1 nominee per office will be added to those persons nominated by the Nominating Committee and the 1 name added will have received the greatest number of nominations from the membership (“Membership Nominee”). In order to qualify as a Membership Nominee, the candidate must be endorsed from at least one hundred and twenty (120) members (which shall be deemed the “requisite support”). In the event there is a tie in the number of nominations obtained by the Membership Nominees, the Membership Nominee with the highest number of continuing education points during the ten (10) year period prior to and through July 1 of the then current election year, shall be added to the ballot. In the event the Membership Nominees remain tied after counting the number of continuing education points, the Board shall select the name of the Membership Nominee to be added to the ballot. A Membership Nominee may not run against the person nominated by the Nominating Committee for President or First Vice President.
Once the slate and Membership Nominees, if any, has been determined, each candidate shall be permitted to submit an approved video in support of their candidacy which shall be made available to the Membership of the Association. All videos will be 2 minutes total, done during the general membership meeting in Las Vegas. prepared utilizing the same production requirements to be promulgated by the National Office.
For the first time this year, members shall cast their votes electronically. In the event a Member cannot cast their vote electronically, the Member may request a paper ballot from the National Office. In the event the candidates receive the same number of votes, the proposed nominee that has the highest number of continuing education points, as provided in subsection 1 above, shall prevail. In the event the nominees remain tied after counting the number of continuing education points, the nominee presented by the Nominating Committee shall be declared the winner.
Any slight variances from the above deadlines or procedures may be authorized by the Board and will be based on reasonableness and fairness to all candidates.
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