Trish Faulkner


Trish Faulkner recently retired from the Tennis Professional Emeritus position at BallenIsles Country Club in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. She has served as tournament chairperson for the 2014 ITF Senior World Championships in Palm Beach County. Trish was also Tournament Director for the 2014 and 2022 ITF World Championships

Previously, she worked as head tour director and marketing director for the WTA and formed a sports marketing and special event corporation, Triosports International Inc, operating four of the Virginia Slims Women’s Professional Tour events. An author, she wrote The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tennis and produced a teaching manual for the ITF for the Middle East with an accompanying slide show.

As a player, she won multiple titles on the Women’s Tour, including the British Indoor Doubles and Mixed Doubles. She has scored many victories as a high-level senior player and was ranked No. 1 in three senior age divisions – 50’s, 55’s and 60’s – and has won 36 U.S.A. national senior titles. Faulkner is an ITF World Singles Champion and a member of the U.S. team winning four ITF World Team Championships.

