Q: What do I have to do to remain a member in good standing?
A: To be considered a member in good standing, all active RSPA members must:
- Submit their annual dues
- Earn 15 continuing education credits over a three-year period (retired members, members over the age of 65 or international members are exempt)
-       Maintain Safe Play compliance (international members are exempt)

Q: How to access your documents
A: Please visit documents.uspta.com and provide your last name and membership number. This will grant you access to your membership certificate, insurance verification letter, and other documents for your personal and professional use.

Q: If I am 65 years and older do, I need to complete education requirements?
A: All Professional members 65+ years of age are not required to earn continuing education credits.

Q: How often does SafePlay and background check need to be renewed?
A: Safe Play and background check compliance is valid for 1 year. Members will need to visit www.usta.com/safeplay to take the Safe Play refresher course each year as well as re-submit their background check.

Q: How long do I need to be an Elite Professional before applying to be a Master Professional?
A: All Elite professionals must have 10 years of teaching at the Elite level in order to apply for Master Professional status.

Q: How do I reinstate if I am a Dropped Member?
A: Reinstatement includes payment of the non-refundable $125 reinstatement fee, up-to-date compliance with continuing education (12 credits earned in 3-year window), and become Safe Play Approved, and remit payment of prorated annual membership dues. Members who allow their membership to enter DROPPED status more than twice will be required to pay the following year’s dues in full before being reinstated. 

Q: If I am suspended will my dues be Pro-rated?
A: Your dues will not be pro-rated if you are a suspended member. You will need to pay your full dues as suspended members still have access to education and updates through the RSPA.

Q: How do I qualify to become a Lifetime Member?
A: 30 years of service AND 75 years of age.

Q: How do I show up on the Find-A-Pro search?
A: You have to create a Profile and fill up at least 50% of it to show up in a search, and be safe play approved.

International Member FAQ’s
Q: Do I need to complete the education requirement to remain a good member in standing?
A: Continuing education credits are not required of International Members. 

Frequently Asked Questions